CSE 3902: Spring 2025 - Section 7417


This is a Junior-level (or advanced Sophomore) course on professional software development. Our goals are to craft high-quality software, understand the process of Agile software development, survey design patterns, become familiar with advanced tools for software development and project management, and experience working in a small team (sized 4-6). To facilitate reaching these goals, you will work on developing and refining a 2D game application over the course of the semester. There will be a large amount of critiquing of code and interactive feedback. This will lead to refinement and improvement of your software for future expansion and maintenance.

Grading Plan

  • Lab/Project/Sprints - 65%

    • Sprint 0 - 10%

    • Sprint 1 - 0%

    • Sprints 2 through 5 - 55%

  • Quizzes - 15%

  • Final Exam - 20%

Indices and tables